Community Workshop For Children By Earth5R At Janakpuri West, Delhi
The Delhi team of Earth5R – Abheet Nigam, Anoushka Jha, Priyanka Sharma, Raina Moitra, Pratiksha Motwani and Priya Vihuri undertook this community work under I’m Earth. The team conducted its community work at a community centre that lies in the heart of Janakpuri West in Delhi.
The Earth5R team focused on two aspects during the workshop, that of recycling newspapers and littering. The workshop was interactive and encouraged new discussions and ideas. The students were given newspaper cut outs and taught how to make boxes, flowers, ships etc from old newspaper. They were later given a free hand with their newspaper designs wherein they came up with beautiful objects.
There was also a spirited discussion on reusing old newspapers and plastic owing to their harmful effects on our environment. Some general questions were raised regarding waste disposal; for e.g., ‘What happens to the plastic wrapper after eating chips?’ or ‘What is the difference between biodegradable and non-bio-degradable items?’ etc.
The community work session ended with some interaction on renewable and non-renewable resources by giving them examples of coal, oil, wind, water etc. and also on judicious use of electricity and how one can save electricity.
The team felt that community work helps us spread and gain knowledge and enables us to create real impact, also that kids are generally the most enthusiastic and willing target group for raising environment consciousness.
Report by Abheet Nigam, Edited by Vandita Morarka.