
Drivers Of Local Sustainability Initiatives In India


Drivers Of Local Sustainability Initiatives In India India, a country that makes up for 2.4% of the world land, yet it supports 16% of its population. Over the course of the last decade, India’s exceptional growth has seen more employment opportunities and paved the way for millions of its natives to escape the claws of poverty. […]

Doll Making Workshop For Earth5R Team


Sustainability is a topic that weighs heavily on the minds of all. If one gathers a group of students from various countries and begins a discussion on pollution, global warming, and other environmental problems, all will chime in with their own experiences. These experiences will certainly be different, yet they will all carry a note of moving towards […]

Awareness On Rain Water Harvesting At Lalbagh Botanical Gardens, Bangalore


Awareness On Rain Water Harvesting At Lalbagh Botanical Gardens, Bangalore Remember Captain Planet? Remember the planeteers? that were assigned the basic elements that made up Earth- Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Heart? All of them had to combine their powers and summon Captain Planet. He couldn’t be summoned if any one of them was missing. […]