
Awareness On The Ganga River Pollution By Earth5R Varanasi


Awareness On The Ganga River Pollution By Earth5R Varanasi The River Ganga is considered the holiest river for Hindus. The sad truth is that it is also the most polluted. Despite being such a sacred river, a huge amount of waste and toxic materials are dumped into the river every day. Raw sewage, plastic bags […]

Awareness On Environmental Hazards Of E-Waste At Bangalore


The world we have created today has problems which cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them.ALBERT EINSTEIN This thought is the compelling truth basing the rising electronic waste disposal problem all over the world. Every day, more than one new models of phones, tablets, laptops etc are released, but […]

Earth5R News Article: Air Quality, Deforestation And Waste Management In Indore


Indore is a rapidly growing Indian city with environmental problems. Air pollution is worsened by industries, waste management is a big task, and water is both polluted and scarce. The city is also losing trees due to expanding infrastructure. These issues need urgent attention as Indore continues to expand. Earth5R Community Action In Hyderabad In […]