
Banking & Finance Sector

ESG Case Study: Green Bond Awareness Program by Earth5R in Partnership with SBI


Green bonds are an innovative financial tool designed to fund projects that contribute to environmental sustainability while offering competitive financial returns. Recognizing the potential of green bonds to drive positive environmental change, Earth5R, in partnership with State Bank of India (SBI), launched a year-long Green Bond Awareness Program. The objective was to promote the adoption of green bonds among well-off, educated individuals and to enhance SBI’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance by increasing investments in green financial products.

Through the efforts of 1,500 volunteers, the program aimed to educate individuals on the mechanics of green bonds, their environmental benefits, and how they can support projects like renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and water conservation. By partnering with SBI, India’s largest public sector bank, the program not only increased awareness but also boosted SBI’s green bond portfolio, strengthening the bank’s commitment to sustainability.

Program Overview

Objective: The program sought to raise awareness and encourage investment in green bonds, thereby funneling capital into environmentally friendly projects and enhancing SBI’s reputation as a leader in green finance.

  • Volunteer Engagement: Earth5R mobilized 1,500 volunteers to conduct outreach efforts. Each volunteer targeted 25 individuals weekly, focusing on financially stable, educated professionals, business owners, and institutional investors who had the capacity to invest in green bonds but lacked awareness about their benefits.
  • Scope:

    • Weekly Sessions: The volunteers engaged with individuals through one-on-one discussions, group meetings, and digital sessions to explain how green bonds work, the types of projects they fund, and the returns investors could expect. SBI played a key role in supporting these efforts by providing detailed product information, backing green bond issuances, and offering special investment options for green-conscious individuals.
    • Total Reach: Each volunteer engaged 25 individuals per week over the course of the year, resulting in:

      • 1,500 volunteers x 25 people x 52 weeks = 1,950,000 individuals being educated about green bonds.

SBI’s Role and Enhanced ESG Performance

SBI’s participation in this initiative not only demonstrated its commitment to sustainable finance but also helped the bank boost its ESG profile. By supporting the Green Bond Awareness Program, SBI was able to:

  1. Expand Its Green Bond Portfolio:

    • The program led to a marked increase in SBI’s green bond investments as individuals began to redirect their portfolios into green financial products. This increased SBI’s total green bond issuances and enabled the bank to fund more environmentally sustainable projects.
    • ESG Performance: SBI’s overall green finance offerings grew by 15% due to the increased demand for green bonds as a direct result of this program.

  2. Promote Sustainable Investments:

    • By partnering with Earth5R, SBI was able to actively promote sustainable financial products among its customer base. This allowed the bank to position itself as a leader in green finance, attracting investors looking for environmentally responsible investment opportunities.
    • ESG Performance: SBI was able to significantly increase its market share in green investments, adding new green bonds to its portfolio and launching several new eco-financing products, including those tied to renewable energy and green infrastructure projects.

Impact and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1. Environmental Impact

The primary focus of the Green Bond Awareness Program was to drive investments into environmental sustainability projects, particularly those financed by SBI’s green bonds. These projects contributed to India’s climate goals by supporting clean energy, resource efficiency, and pollution reduction.

  • Increased Investment in Green Bonds:

    • The program saw a substantial increase in SBI-issued green bonds purchased by individuals who had previously not considered this investment option. This influx of capital was directed towards projects focused on renewable energy, waste management, and water conservation.

  • Environmental Projects Funded:

    • Renewable Energy: SBI’s green bonds financed large-scale solar and wind energy projects, contributing to India’s renewable energy capacity.
    • Water Conservation: The funds were allocated to projects focused on improving water efficiency, such as wastewater treatment plants and rainwater harvesting systems.
    • Sustainable Infrastructure: Green bond investments also supported the development of green buildings, public transport systems, and energy-efficient urban development.

  • Environmental KPIs:

    • CO2 Emission Reduction: The projects financed by these green bonds helped reduce 12,000 tons of CO2 annually, aligning with India’s carbon reduction targets.
    • Renewable Energy Capacity Added: SBI’s green bond program financed the installation of 60 MW of renewable energy, helping to shift India’s energy mix toward cleaner sources.
    • Water Conservation Impact: Projects supported by SBI’s green bonds saved approximately 4 million liters of water annually through improved irrigation systems, wastewater recycling, and rainwater harvesting.
    • Waste Reduction: Projects focusing on recycling and waste management helped divert 6,500 tons of waste from landfills each year, promoting a circular economy.

2. Social Impact

While green bonds focus primarily on environmental goals, they also deliver significant social benefits. By funding projects that improve public infrastructure, clean energy access, and water management, SBI’s green bonds contributed to enhancing the quality of life in communities.

  • Job Creation:

    • Investments through SBI’s green bonds led to job creation in sectors such as renewable energy, green construction, and infrastructure development. These jobs provided economic stability to individuals in both urban and rural areas.
    • Social KPI: The projects funded by SBI’s green bonds created approximately 3,000 direct jobs and 7,500 indirect jobs across sectors like energy, construction, and sustainable agriculture.

  • Health Benefits:

    • By reducing pollution through green energy projects and waste management initiatives, these investments also improved public health outcomes. Cleaner air and water systems led to fewer respiratory and waterborne illnesses in the areas affected.
    • Social KPI: The reduction in pollution through green projects helped decrease respiratory diseases by an estimated 20% in urban areas affected by air pollution.

  • Community Empowerment:

    • The program also helped educate communities about the importance of sustainable investments, allowing them to see the direct benefits of supporting green bonds. This not only empowered them financially but also fostered a sense of environmental responsibility.
    • Social KPI: 1.95 million individuals gained knowledge about green bonds, encouraging them to contribute to sustainability efforts through their financial decisions.

3. Governance Impact

Governance and transparency are critical to ensuring the success and integrity of green bonds. SBI, with its robust governance framework, ensured that the funds raised through green bonds were used effectively and that investors received detailed reports on the impact of their investments.

  • Enhanced Governance and Reporting:

    • SBI adhered to global best practices for green bond reporting, ensuring that every project funded by its green bonds was thoroughly documented and its environmental impact measured. The bank regularly published updates on the progress of these projects, enhancing investor confidence.
    • Governance KPI: 98% compliance rate with international green bond reporting standards, ensuring that funds were used responsibly and transparently.

  • Strengthening Investor Confidence:

    • The program helped SBI reinforce its image as a responsible financial institution. By educating investors about the governance structures surrounding green bonds, the program increased trust in SBI’s sustainable finance offerings.
    • Governance KPI: 85% of participants reported increased confidence in investing through SBI, citing strong governance and clear reporting as key factors.

  • Long-Term Financial Integration:

    • As a result of this program, SBI enhanced its ESG reporting standards and incorporated green finance into its broader financial strategies. This has helped SBI position itself as a leader in sustainable finance in India and globally.
    • Governance KPI: SBI integrated green bond reporting into its annual ESG disclosures, strengthening its commitment to long-term sustainability and corporate governance.

Learning Outcomes and Long-Term Impact

The Green Bond Awareness Program not only raised awareness about the importance of green bonds but also created lasting impacts for SBI’s ESG framework.

  • Increased Investor Engagement:

    • Participants in the program gained a deeper understanding of sustainable finance, leading many to adopt green bonds as a permanent feature in their investment portfolios.
    • Learning KPI: Surveys revealed that 90% of program participants reported a better understanding of green bonds and their benefits.

  • SBI’s Market Leadership in Green Finance:

    • SBI significantly enhanced its position as a leader in green finance through this program, strengthening its brand as a responsible, sustainability-focused institution.
    • Long-Term Impact KPI: SBI’s green bond issuances increased by 15%, positioning the bank as one of India’s top issuers of sustainable finance products.


The Green Bond Awareness Program, executed by Earth5R in partnership with State Bank of India, successfully reached 1.95 million individuals and made a significant impact in driving investments into green bonds. The program not only enhanced SBI’s green bond portfolio but also demonstrated its commitment to sustainable finance and strong governance. By funding projects that reduce CO2 emissions, improve public health, and foster economic growth, SBI was able to enhance its ESG performance and establish itself as a leader in sustainability.

Through this initiative, SBI contributed to a more sustainable future for India and set a benchmark for other financial institutions looking to enhance their ESG credentials.