
Waste Segregation At Ahmedabad

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Waste Segregation At Ahmedabad

It wouldn’t be that surprising but statistically, paper and cardboard make up about a fifth of the typical household dustbin!

Parth and Niraj, two members of Earth5R, spotted waste on their way to college. People’s lax behaviour towards cleanliness made the two decide to take up an individual action. An activity was planned on September 30, 2015.

The activity first started by analyzing the waste its type then two huge collectors were arranged to fill up the waste, as the activity begins the people on the vehicle saw and asked why they were doing this they answered them accordingly.

Further they did research from where the waste was coming and why anyone didn’t cared about it.The activity was finished by proper disposal of waste in the bin provided by AMC.

-Reported by Parth Patel. Graphic design by Pratik Dhamapurkar.


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