
ESG & CSR For Water Conservation Industry

Case Study: Nationwide Water Conservation Awareness Program by Earth5R (2015-2023)


India faces increasing water stress due to rapid urbanization and growing demand for water resources. To address this issue, Earth5R launched a nationwide water conservation awareness program between 2015 and 2023. This initiative involved 3,500 volunteers who educated residents on rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and the adoption of water-efficient technologies. The program resulted in significant water savings and promoted sustainable water management across the country.


Urban India relies heavily on external water sources, often at the expense of groundwater and local ecosystems. Water wastage is rampant due to outdated infrastructure and a lack of awareness around sustainable water practices. Without interventions such as rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and reusing methods, cities will continue to face severe water shortages, especially during dry seasons.


  1. Volunteer-Led Water Conservation Campaign: From 2015 to 2023, 3,500 Earth5R volunteers led awareness efforts in residential buildings across India. Each volunteer engaged one new building per month, educating residents about water conservation strategies, including rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and reusing water through updated equipment like spray-based faucets and efficient taps.
  2. Sustained Outreach Effort: Over the eight-year period, the volunteers reached a total of: 3,500 volunteers x 12 months/year x 8 years = 336,000 buildings that received awareness programs on water conservation.

  3. Implementation of Water Conservation Systems: Out of these buildings, 7% adopted some form of water conservation system, including rainwater harvesting, wastewater recycling, and equipment upgrades. This resulted in: 336,000 buildings x 7% = 23,520 buildings implementing water-saving solutions.

  4. Water Savings: On average, each building that adopted water-saving measures reduced its water consumption by 5,000 liters per month through rainwater harvesting, wastewater reuse, and updated water systems. The total monthly water savings were: 23,520 buildings x 5,000 liters/month = 117.6 million liters of water saved per month.

    • Over a year, this amounted to: 117.6 million liters/month x 12 months = 1.411 billion liters saved annually.



  1. Total Water Saved:

    • Over the course of eight years, the total water saved across all participating buildings was: 1.411 billion liters/year x 8 years  =11.288 billion liters of water saved.

  2. Carbon Offset:

    • By reducing the need for energy-intensive water extraction and transportation, water conservation practices offset carbon emissions. Saving 1,000 liters of water can avoid 0.37 kg of CO2 emissions. Therefore, the total carbon offset over eight years was: 11.288 billion liters / 1,000 liters x 0.37 kg CO2 = 4,177.56 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.

  3. Economic Impact (Cost Savings):

    • The cost of water in urban India averages around ₹20 per 1,000 liters. The total cost savings due to reduced water consumption over eight years were: 11.288 billion liters / 1,000 liters x ₹20 = ₹225.76 million (₹22.57 crores).

  4. Volunteering Hours:

    • Each volunteer dedicated at least 5 hours per month to the awareness programs. Over eight years, the total volunteer hours contributed were: 3,500 volunteers x 5 hours/month x 12 months/year x 8 years = 1,680,000 volunteer hours.

  5. ESG KPIs:

    • Environmental Impact:

      • Total water saved: 11.288 billion liters.
      • Carbon offset: 4,177.56 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.
      • Increased use of rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling systems across India.

    • Social Impact:

      • 1.68 million volunteer hours contributed by Earth5R volunteers.
      • 23,520 buildings adopted water conservation systems, promoting sustainable water use at the community level.

    • Economic Impact:

      • ₹22.57 crores in water cost savings due to reduced consumption.

  6. Behavioral Change:

    • The program led to a significant behavioral shift among residents, with more buildings adopting water-saving technologies and practices. By raising awareness around water scarcity and conservation, Earth5R helped communities embrace long-term sustainable water management.


This large-scale water conservation initiative presents a valuable opportunity for companies in the water industry, such as PepsiCo (Aquafina), Coca-Cola, and Bisleri, to partner with Earth5R. These companies are deeply invested in water sustainability and could leverage Earth5R’s program to align with their ESG goals, reduce their water footprint, and engage directly with communities in promoting water-efficient practices.


With the success of this program, Earth5R plans to expand its water conservation efforts to more cities, including corporate buildings and industrial areas. By continuing to promote water-saving technologies and sustainable practices, Earth5R aims to create long-term impact in India’s water-stressed urban environments.


Earth5R is an ESG and CSR “Action” platform that mobilizes communities to take meaningful action on environmental issues. Focused on water management, waste management, and sustainability education, Earth5R drives significant environmental, social, and economic impact through its citizen-led initiatives.