
ESG & CSR For Electronics & Technology 

E-Waste Collection and Recycling Initiative with Earth5R for an Electronics Manufacturer



A major electronics manufacturing company, concerned with the increasing issue of electronic waste (e-waste), partnered with Earth5R to launch a large-scale awareness and collection program across key Indian cities. The program aimed to educate citizens about the environmental hazards of improper e-waste disposal and provide solutions for proper e-waste segregation and recycling. The collaboration led to significant environmental and economic impact, with e-waste being collected, recycled, and integrated into the circular economy.



E-waste, if improperly disposed of, poses serious environmental risks. It contains hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the soil and water, polluting the environment and harming ecosystems. Despite its dangers, most citizens are unaware of the proper way to dispose of electronic waste. The challenge was to build awareness and create a streamlined process for e-waste collection and recycling, reducing the risk of harmful chemicals entering the water table and promoting sustainable waste management practices.



In collaboration with the electronics company, Earth5R designed and executed a comprehensive e-waste collection and awareness program across four major Indian cities—Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, and Bangalore. The program involved:


      • Awareness Campaign and Training: Earth5R conducted awareness sessions in 200 residential buildings across the four cities, educating citizens on the importance of proper e-waste segregation. These sessions focused on the dangers of e-waste leaching harmful chemicals into the environment and the long-term benefits of recycling electronic waste.

      • E-Waste Collection Drives: Collection boxes were set up in each building to collect discarded electronics such as phones, laptops, batteries, and other devices. The program also organized cleanup drives along lakes and riverbanks, where electronic waste was collected from these natural environments and sent for recycling.

      • Partnership with E-Waste Vendors: After the e-waste was collected, Earth5R worked with certified e-waste vendors who ensured that the waste was recycled responsibly. This process included recovering valuable materials like metals and safely disposing of hazardous components.




        • E-Waste Collected:


              • The program successfully recovered 25 tonnes of electronic waste throughout the year from the participating buildings and clean-up drives. This waste, if left unmanaged, could have severely polluted landfills and water sources.

          • Carbon Offset:


                • Recycling e-waste, instead of letting it go to landfills, contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by avoiding the production of virgin materials. Recycling 1 tonne of e-waste can prevent 2.88 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions. Therefore, by collecting and recycling 25 tonnes of e-waste, the program offset approximately 72 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions.

            • Circular Economy Impact:


                  • The valuable materials recovered from e-waste, such as copper, gold, silver, and aluminum, were reintroduced into the economy. Based on market value, the recovery of these materials from the 25 tonnes of e-waste generated approximately ₹50 lakhs (approx. $60,000 USD) in circular economy value.

              • Behavioral and Lifestyle Changes:


                    • The awareness program trained over 10,000 citizens on the importance of proper e-waste disposal and helped shift behavior toward sustainable waste management. Citizens became more conscious about the hazards of e-waste and committed to proper segregation and recycling, leading to long-term positive changes in the community.

                • Community and Environmental Impact:


                      • The program reduced environmental pollution in the local ecosystems, preventing toxic chemicals from entering lakes, rivers, and soil. By addressing both urban waste and environmental cleanup, Earth5R and the electronics company significantly improved the sustainability of the communities involved.


                THE ROAD AHEAD

                Encouraged by the success of this initiative, the electronics company plans to expand the e-waste collection program to other cities and regions, continuing to work with Earth5R on educating citizens and promoting responsible e-waste disposal. This ongoing effort will not only reduce the environmental impact of e-waste but also contribute to building a robust circular economy around electronic waste recycling.


                ABOUT EARTH5R

                Earth5R is an ESG and CSR “Action” platform that helps companies and communities take meaningful steps towards sustainability. With its focus on on-ground action, waste management, and community engagement, Earth5R enables organizations to make tangible environmental and social impact through circular economy solutions.




                Case Study 2

                Large-Scale Electronic Waste Management Awareness Drive in Bangalore by Earth5R


                Electronic waste (e-waste) has become a pressing environmental concern, especially in urban areas like Bangalore. Improper disposal of e-waste not only leads to the contamination of landfills but also leaches dangerous chemicals into water tables, posing significant health and environmental risks. To address this growing issue, Earth5R launched a large-scale e-waste awareness and collection drive in Bangalore. Over two years, Earth5R volunteers educated citizens about the importance of proper e-waste disposal and mobilized efforts to ensure waste was collected and recycled responsibly.



                E-waste is often improperly discarded in garbage bins, where it mixes with organic and dry waste. Once contaminated, this mixture becomes nearly impossible to separate, and most of it ends up in landfills. Over time, the e-waste breaks down and releases toxic chemicals into the soil and water table, endangering human health and ecosystems. Additionally, electronic waste contains valuable materials like metals, which, if not recycled, lead to the depletion of natural resources as more mining is required to procure those minerals.




                    • Awareness Campaign: Earth5R launched a large-scale awareness campaign across Bangalore, focusing on public places like parks, colleges, residential areas, and shopping malls. Over 150 volunteers from different colleges participated in these campaigns twice a month for two years, educating citizens about the dangers of improper e-waste disposal.

                    • E-Waste Collection Drives: In addition to awareness efforts, Earth5R volunteers set up e-waste collection boxes in colleges, offices, and residential complexes. These collection systems were designed to make it easy for citizens to properly dispose of their electronic waste, preventing it from mixing with other types of waste.

                    • Partnerships with NGOs and Recycling Agencies: Earth5R collaborated with local NGOs and e-waste management companies to ensure that all the collected electronic waste was processed and recycled correctly, reducing the need for mining new materials and lowering the environmental impact of e-waste.




                      • Total E-Waste Collected:


                            • With 150 volunteers collecting e-waste during twice-monthly drives, and each volunteer collecting an average of 10 kg of e-waste per month, the total amount of e-waste collected over the two-year program is:


                                  • 150 volunteers x 10 kg x 2 drives/month x 12 months/year x 2 years = 72,000 kg (72 tonnes) of electronic waste collected.

                          • Carbon Offset:


                                • Recycling electronic waste significantly reduces the carbon footprint compared to producing new electronics. Recycling 1 tonne of e-waste can save around 1.44 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Therefore, the total carbon offset from the program was:


                                      • 72 tonnes x 1.44 tonnes of CO2/tonne = 103.68 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.

                              • Economic Impact (Circular Economy Value):


                                    • E-waste contains valuable materials such as metals, which can be recovered and reused. The value of these materials can range from ₹10 to ₹30 per kilogram, depending on the type of e-waste. Assuming an average value of ₹20 per kilogram, the total economic value generated from the e-waste collected was:


                                          • 72,000 kg x ₹20/kg = ₹1,440,000 (₹14.4 lakhs).

                                  • Volunteering Hours:


                                        • Each e-waste collection drive lasted about four hours. Over two years, the total volunteering hours were:


                                              • 150 volunteers x 4 hours x 2 drives/month x 12 months/year x 2 years = 28,800 volunteer hours.

                                      • ESG KPIs:


                                            • Environmental Impact:


                                                  • E-waste removed: 72 tonnes.

                                                  • Carbon offset: 103.68 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.

                                                  • Prevention of harmful chemicals like lead, mercury, and cadmium from leaching into the soil and water.

                                              • Social Impact:


                                                    • 28,800 volunteer hours contributed by college students, engaging the youth in environmental action.

                                                    • Increased awareness of e-waste management among citizens, leading to long-term behavioral change.

                                                • Economic Impact:


                                                      • ₹14.4 lakhs generated through the recovery and recycling of valuable materials from e-waste.

                                                      • Support to local e-waste management companies and NGOs through the recycling process, contributing to a circular economy.

                                              • Behavioral Change:


                                                    • The continuous engagement of citizens through public awareness drives helped instill a sense of responsibility around proper e-waste disposal. This resulted in higher participation in e-waste collection drives and encouraged individuals to avoid mixing e-waste with other household waste.


                                              THE ROAD AHEAD

                                              The success of Earth5R’s e-waste awareness drive in Bangalore has created a blueprint for expanding the initiative to other cities across India. With strong partnerships and active community participation, Earth5R plans to scale this program to reach more people, reduce electronic waste pollution, and further integrate e-waste into the circular economy.


                                              ABOUT EARTH5R

                                              Earth5R is an ESG and CSR “Action” platform that empowers communities to take climate action. Through its innovative programs in waste management, recycling, and community engagement, Earth5R helps individuals and organizations create lasting environmental, social, and economic impact.