
Experience Matters: Internship Opportunities For Indian Students

Internship Opportunities

Internships are crucial for students in India, as they offer significant professional experience, practical knowledge, and networking opportunities, which contribute to their overall career development. Today, a decent degree doesn’t guarantee graduate employment. Pertinent work experience is now just as valuable as your degree and exam scores when it comes to developing a successful career […]

India’s First Zero-Waste City Marathon With Mumbai Environmental Organization Earth5R

Zero waste Volunteer Marathon Cleanup Mumbai India Environmental Organisation Earth5R

India’s First Zero-Waste City Marathon With Mumbai Environmental Organisation Earth5R Early morning, on Sunday 25th November 2018, Earth5R team partnered with the Powai Nisarg Run to ensure the first zero-waste city marathon in India. Running a marathon is not just an athletic achievement, it is a state of mind that says everything is possible. If you […]

Restoration Work Of 13 Major Rivers Including All 5 Rivers Of Punjab, Approved

Restoration Work Of 13 Major Rivers Including All 5 Rivers Of Punjab, Approved

New Delhi, April 18 The way has been cleared for the Center to start the implementation of the ambitious project to rejuvenate 13 major rivers of the country, including five rivers of Punjab. The five rivers of Punjab are Ravi, Beas, Sutlej, Chenab and Jhelum. Other rivers identified for proposed rejuvenation are Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Luni, Narmada, […]