
EarthTalk VPM Polytechnic Navi Mumbai India


EarthTalk VPM Polytechnic Navi Mumbai India In an interesting turn of events in EarthTalk conducted by Team Earth5R, the speaker baton was now passed to volunteer environmentalist Sagar Kulkarni. The talk was at VPM Polytechnic, Thane for Chemical Diploma students.  The 16 year olds were a curios crowd, eager to learn new things. Sagar being […]

Earth5R’s Women-Centric Solid Waste Management And Circular Economy Based Community Training In Mumbai


Earth5R’s Women-Centric Solid Waste Management And Circular Economy Based Community Training In Mumbai Mumbai’s slums represent India’s issues pertaining to overpopulation, access to drinking water, pollution, land space, poverty, unemployment, health, and waste disposal. Around 65% of Mumbai’s 12 million people live in the cramped, airless slums, making for easy transmission of waste related diseases. Waste management […]