
Creative Waste Recycling Workshop For Children – Bangalore Earth5R


Creative Waste Recycling Workshop For Children – Bangalore Earth5R Did you know? An average person produces 2 kilograms of waste per day? There are currently 7 billion people and still counting on the Earth at this moment. So imagine the amount of waste produced every day. Soon the Earth will reach a point, where it will not be […]

Creating E-Waste Awareness In Bangalore


Creating E-Waste Awareness In Bangalore According to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Report (2015), up to 90% of the world’s electronic waste, worth nearly $19 billion, is illegally traded or dumped each year. Wrong disposal of e-waste not only leaches the soil with hazardous chemicals but also results in loss of precious materials due to […]

The Power Of Small Actions: Corporate Sustainability For A Better World


The Power Of Small Actions: Corporate Sustainability For A Better World The need for sustainable practises is more important than ever in a world that is changing quickly. As the effects of human actions on the climate become clearer, corporations have a very important part to play in making the future more sustainable. Creating a […]