
This Earth Day Transform Your Workplace With These 15 Sustainable Ideas

This Earth Day Transform Your Workplace With These 15 Sustainable Ideas

This Earth Day Transform Your Workplace With These 15 Sustainable Ideas As more and more businesses realize how important it is to be environmentally friendly, Earth Day is a great time to take action and make positive changes at work. Here are fifteen ideas for a business toolkit or guide that will help make Earth […]

COVID-19 Isolation Rooms – COVID-19 Action Program By Earth5R


COVID-19 Isolation Rooms – COVID-19 Action Program By Earth5R Mumbai: The growing number of COVID-19 cases in India and around the world prompted Saurabh Gupta, founder of Earth5R, to go beyond the relief effort. Gupta stressed on the need to have a scientific approach to the relief effort. This is why the idea to create fixed […]

The Undeniable Plastic Waste Situation In Navi Mumbai, India


The Undeniable Plastic Waste Situation In Navi Mumbai, India The deepest point in the ocean, the Mariana Trench and the highest mountain peak in the world, Mt. Everest, have only one particular thing in common, Plastic. Plastic initially solved many problems in the 19th century but it soon turned out into a crisis. Plastic management has […]