
Unlocking The Potential Of Nature-Based Solutions For Climate Change


Unlocking The Potential Of Nature-Based Solutions For Climate Change Nature-based solutions are actions that protect, restore and enhance natural and modified ecosystems.  They naturally reduce greenhouse gas emissions and can mitigate the impacts of climate change. Protecting or restoring forests, peatlands, mangroves and coral reefs are some of the more well-known nature-based solutions. Those that […]

Composting And Organic Waste Management At Mumbai


Composting And Organic Waste Management At Mumbai The latest report by Mumbai civic body states that 73% of the garbage that makes its way into the city’s dumping grounds is food waste. Only 5% of the city’s waste is segregated, according to the report. Three-fourths of the city’s total waste has been demarcated as wet, organic waste. […]

Paper Recycling Workshop For Creative Waste Management, Kanpur


Paper Recycling Workshop For Creative Waste Management, Kanpur Vedanshi Bhartia, an Earth5R member, visited was Radha Krishna Temple at Birhana Road, Kanpur where she worked on Paper Recycling Workshop from June 14th to June 23rd, 2016. On the first day, she interacted with the group and introduced to them the idea of upcycling waste paper. The […]