
Plastic, Glass, And Other Waste Materials Found In Elephant Dung In Uttarakhand

Plastic, Glass, And Other Waste Materials Found In Elephant Dung In Uttarakhand

Plastic, Glass, And Other Waste Materials Found In Elephant Dung In Uttarakhand Environmental News from India:  A study published last month in The Journal for Nature Conservation reported the presence of plastic and other human-made materials in elephant dung in the forests of Uttarakhand. The study authors investigated dung samples collected from four sites – three near the Haridwar […]

Awareness Program At Vasai Virar Mayor’s Marathon


Awareness Program At Vasai Virar Mayor’s Marathon On an early morning of 22nd November ’15, Sharad Vegda, Akshita Shah, Kaksha Mahudkar, Aniket Patil and Ankit Jaiswal from the Mumbai Team of Earth5R decided to be present for the Vasai Virar Mayor’s Marathon and conduct an Awareness Program. The members started off with distributing ‘I’m Earth’ […]

Awareness Program To Create A Sustainable Future, Pune


Sutardara is a suburb in Pune, which is home to nearly 4000 families. Pune Earth5R team members- Sonam Senger, Vrushali Mahajan and Hemal Ingle, the contestant for the acclaimed pageant of Miss Earth decided to visit the place and create some awareness. As they visited the place on 17th April 2016, they were struck by […]