
Educating Bangalore Shopkeepers On Plastic Pollution By Earth5R


Educating Bangalore Shopkeepers On Plastic Pollution By Earth5R Did you know that 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals get killed because of plastic pollution in oceans every year? Plastic is one of the most toxic materials on earth presently. The fact is startling enough to push us to act, but when are we […]

Le Nouveau Paris: Towards A Circular Economy


The pollution in Paris is such that breathing its air on a four-day visit is equivalent to smoking two cigarettes. Accordingly, a person living in Paris passively smokes the equivalent of around 183 cigarettes a year. These figures are alarming for Paris, capital of the world’s most popular country for tourism in 2019. Emerging in the […]

Eco-Friendly Doll Making Workshop, Mumbai


Hinted at in the title name of Earth5R’s organization, reusing and recycling are two important concepts in the goal towards sustainable living. One project that Earth5R is developing right now is the concept of unique, Eco-friendly Dolls. The ‘Dolls Project’ is an entirely sustainable approach to salvaging waste cut-off material destined for landfill and giving women […]