
E-Waste Found Around Powai Lake


E-Waste Found Around Powai Lake On Saturday  7th July, Earth5R conducted the 11th Powai Lake cleanup under ACT Powai. Along with the team, 10 students from the Rotary Club joined in for the cleanup as well as a training session. Founder of Earth5R, Saurabh Gupta educated the students about the different types of plastic and which ones […]

E-Waste Recycling At Bangalore College


E-Waste Recycling At Bangalore College It takes 539 lbs of fossil fuel, 48 lbs of chemicals and 1.5 tons of water to manufacture one computer and monitor!! The e-waste contains over 1,000 different toxic substances like heavy metals, PVC plastics, brominated flame-retardants etc., harmful to human beings and the environment. In India, this was subjected […]