
Saving The River Bagmati


Saving The River Bagmati Kathmandu Valley used to be a big lake. Bagmati River formed the big lake over 1 million years ago. The Bagmati River is considered a source of Nepalese civilisation and urbanization.  It flows through the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, the 2,000-to 3,000-metre range is the southern boundary of the “Middle Hills” across Nepal, an important cultural boundary between distinct […]

Environmental Leadership Workshop For Mumbai School Children


Environmental Leadership Workshop For Mumbai School Children Here is a story of how 500 school children from Mumbai created zero waste homes with Mumbai based environmental organisation Earth5R. 500 young students of local Powai school undertaken a powerful waste management project and moving their families towards Zero Waste Homes. The School project run by Earth5R develops future […]

Importance Of Environmental Education In Thailand


437 schools in Bangkok, Thailand were closed in January 2020 due to air pollution passing above the allowable limit.  According to an indicator, the cost of air and water pollution for the country scales up to approximately 1.6 – 2.6% of GDP per year. The ongoing air pollution around Bangkok can even cause economic damage estimated […]