California Water Crisis

“Water water everywhere not a drop to drink.” These famous lines by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his rhyme ‘ Ancient Mariner ‘ perfectly describes what the water resources on our planet are heading into like in California water crisis. Oh yes! they are heading into a disaster. Even though 71% of our planet’s surface is […]
Volunteers Build Sustainable Communities

Volunteers run clean-ups are an important part of environmental and social initiatives – a community act which makes it possible to collaborate with local enthusiasts, volunteers and other important stakeholders. At the same time, it’s important that cleanup programs are effective, sustainable and designed to make an impact. The daily waste generated across Mumbai had increased 105% — […]
Leaders of the nature: Building the Future

Earth5R volunteers went to a nursery school in Powai to raise awareness among young children about the waste issue under the ACT Powai project, negatively impacting the environment in which they grow-up. This activity was supported by Swiss Airlines Staff Foundation and remained as a milestone in building green young leaders Earth5R volunteers engaged children, […]