Zero Waste And Compost Units In Ghatkopar
On Saturday, 16th June, the Earth5R team travelled to Ghatkopar to install a composting unit at ‘Parvati Heritage’ society. In addition, the team also trained the conscientious residents as well as housekeeping staff of the society on better disposal methods for their waste. Creating sustainable residential buildings is a part of Earth5R’s ‘Zero-Waste’ program under the ‘ACT Powai’ project. Composting is an easier way to decrease the load on landfills. Hence, Earth5R is helping make this resource available to buildings throughout the Powai area.
The training was conducted by Project Manager, Ketul Patel, who first informed the residents about the 3 broad types of waste generated in household – recyclable, biodegradable, and refuse which mainly include medical and sanitary waste. The residents were thoroughly trained on correctly identifying these waste streams.
Next, segregation of these wastes streams was addressed, by emphasizing the significance of segregating the waste at the source level. This is essential as mixing different types of waste leads to contamination of the garbage, resulting in organic waste that is not compostable, and recyclables that can no longer be recycled efficiently. Moreover, this mixed waste can then only be dumped in landfills which pollutes the land.
Furthermore, the residents were given a live demonstration of the working of the composting unit. This included the regular turning of the unit to ensure sufficient mixing of waste to allow for aeration. Ketul also informed the citizens on how to care for their composting units. Moreover, the compost produced can be utilised in house gardens for urban farming. The remaining compost is sent Aarey colony where farmers can use this high-quality compost for their farming needs.
Thus, Earth5R has helped another residential society take a step towards becoming zero waste. When will you take your first step?
By: Anindita Mukhopadhyay and Emily Griffin