
Environment Friendly Ganesha Workshop


Environment Friendly Ganesha Workshop

Idols made from plaster of paris are light weight and attractive. Plaster of paris doesn’t get dissolve easily in water, some times bulldozers are required to crush them in pieces. The remains of statues lay on the beaches next day of immersion.

The environmental hazards caused by plaster of paris Ganesh idols needs immediate attention so the Hyderabad team of Earth5R conducted Environment friendly Ganesha workshop at Sri Satya Sai Krupa Orphanage, Bharat Nagar on 12 September 2015 from 3pm to 7 pm. The team included Pradeep Sai, Abhilash Abhi, Praneetha Radha, Sujan, Sowmya Asadi, Sindu, Chandan, Koteshwar, Arun, Varun, Vishnu and Tejeshwar.

The event started with an environmental awareness discussion with children about the plaster of paris and then the team started the workshop by demonstrating ganesha idol making with clay. Earth5R team divided 45 children into 15 batches and each batch was assigned to  2 volunteers. Children were very curious about making idols with clay and at the end of the workshop they ended up with  46 environment friendly idols.

The orphanage authorities donated all the idols to different orphanages to celebrate eco friendly Ganesh Chaturthi festival.

“An opportunity to create something for the creator”

-Reported by B.V.SaiPradeep. Graphic design by Pratik Dhamapurkar & Raghunath Sarfare

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