
E-Waste Recycling At Bangalore College


E-Waste Recycling At Bangalore College It takes 539 lbs of fossil fuel, 48 lbs of chemicals and 1.5 tons of water to manufacture one computer and monitor!! The e-waste contains over 1,000 different toxic substances like heavy metals, PVC plastics, brominated flame-retardants etc., harmful to human beings and the environment. In India, this was subjected […]

E-Waste Awareness Programme

Community Development E-Waste-Patna-Mumbai-India-Environmental-NGO-Earth5R

E-Waste Awareness Programme You will be surprised to know that though India is a developing nation, it is the 5th biggest producer of e-waste in the world! With growing technological advancements and ever increasing dependency on them, the problem of e-waste management has also reached a crucially high stage. India is the 5th biggest producer […]

E-Waste Awareness For Future Changemakers At Bangalore, India


E-Waste Awareness For Future Changemakers At Bangalore, India Global E-waste Monitor Report 2014 estimates the total amount e-waste generated in 2014 accounting to 41.8 million metric tonnes! A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.FRANCOIS RABELAIS To ignite a spark about E-waste and it’s management, an awareness drive […]