
Satellite Images Improves Reporting Of Greenhouse Gases


Satellite Images Improves Reporting Of Greenhouse Gases With the climate crisis continuing to tighten its grip, nations around the world are making efforts to reduce emissions of climate warming gases. To track action, countries report their greenhouse gas emissions to the UNFCCC – the body responsible for driving global action to combat climate change. Reducing emissions of […]

Environment Friendly Ganesha Workshop


Environment Friendly Ganesha Workshop Idols made from plaster of paris are light weight and attractive. Plaster of paris doesn’t get dissolve easily in water, some times bulldozers are required to crush them in pieces. The remains of statues lay on the beaches next day of immersion. The environmental hazards caused by plaster of paris Ganesh […]

Satellites Show Deforestation Surging In Indonesia’s Tesso Nilo National Park


Satellites Show Deforestation Surging In Indonesia’s Tesso Nilo National Park Environmental News from Asia:  PEKANBARU, Indonesia — Reportedly home to 3% of the planet’s mammal species and one of the highest levels of lowland plant diversity known to science, Indonesia’s Tesso Nilo National Park is a sanctum for Sumatra’s wildlife – including critically endangered Sumatran tigers (Panthera […]