
Can One Person Make A Difference? Chennai EarthTalk On Climate Change


Can One Person Make A Difference? Chennai EarthTalk On Climate Change “One person is enough to make a difference, and that person could be you!” – This was the focus of the EarthTalk on climate change given by Anagha Natraj at Chennai on August 14. The audience comprised of students aged 13-17. The session started with playing of […]

Los Angeles, California: The Polluted Center Of Creativity


Los Angeles is ranked 1st in the list of most ozone-polluted city It is also ranked 4th as the most polluted city by annual particle pollution, and the 4th most polluted city by 24-hour particle pollution. Needless to say, it is a city with grave air quality that has led to noxious consequences. In spite of this, […]

Local Boy Shows Great Efforts For Social Change

Pavan helping clean Powai Lake with Earth5R leader, Saurabh Gupta. Meet Pavan. He is a 12-year-old local boy who came over to the Powai Lake Cleanup last Saturday, May 5, 2018. He saw the Earth5R team working and he decided to join in. Humbly, Pavan came barefoot, on an empty stomach, but ready to work. […]