
E-Waste Awareness Programme

Community Development E-Waste-Patna-Mumbai-India-Environmental-NGO-Earth5R

E-Waste Awareness Programme You will be surprised to know that though India is a developing nation, it is the 5th biggest producer of e-waste in the world! With growing technological advancements and ever increasing dependency on them, the problem of e-waste management has also reached a crucially high stage. India is the 5th biggest producer […]

E-Waste Awareness For Future Changemakers At Bangalore, India


E-Waste Awareness For Future Changemakers At Bangalore, India Global E-waste Monitor Report 2014 estimates the total amount e-waste generated in 2014 accounting to 41.8 million metric tonnes! A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.FRANCOIS RABELAIS To ignite a spark about E-waste and it’s management, an awareness drive […]

Rising Temperatures Reawakening ‘Placid’ Alpine Glaciers


Rising Temperatures Reawakening ‘Placid’ Alpine Glaciers Environmental News from the USA:  Glaciers in Europe’s Alps are becoming more unstable and dangerous as rising temperatures linked to climate change are reawakening what was long seen as dormant, almost fossilized sheets of ice. Italy has been baking in an early summer heatwave and attention had been focused […]