
SDG’s: Earth5R’s Contribution To The UN Agenda


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to achieve a sustainable future for all. The goals include eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, promoting sustainable economic growth, and combating climate change. To achieve these goals, it requires the active participation and contribution of all individuals, […]

Six Sustainability Trends To Watch In 2022


With less than a decade left to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – which aim, among other things, to protect the planet and end poverty by 2030 – the next eight years will be critical in making the world a more sustainable place. While 2020 has been dominated by a potential green recovery from COVID-19, companies, […]

Environmental Education For Slum Residents In Pune

Environmental Education For Slum Residents In Pune

Not everybody has similar problems or comes from a similar background as we do. There are people who have been in circumstances we might not thoroughly understand. When we go out and talk to these people and try to educate them about the environmental problems, many of them do not see it as something they should […]