
EarthTalk With Motor Bikers At Lucknow


EarthTalk With Motor Bikers At Lucknow Earth5R team conducted an EarthTalk with Lucknow Royal Enfiled motor bikers. The bikers group had 16 people and the team spoke  to them about the never ending pollution problems revolving around the city.The focused of the Earth Talk was Air Pollution – the team cited examples of cities like Beijing […]

A Step Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle : Home Equals Planet


A Step Towards A Sustainable Lifestyle : Home Equals Planet The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 2.05 degrees Fahrenheit (1.14 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere. To mitigate climate change and other environmental harm, actions at the individual level […]

EarthTalk On Hygiene And Health: New Delhi Slums


EarthTalk On Hygiene And Health: New Delhi Slums India is a country where  almost 1/4th of its people still live in slums and statistics unveil that 3 out of every 5 residential areas are surrounded by encroachment of slums.  In slums, life is shrouded by a blanket of unhygienic and unhealthy living conditions which are a […]