
Upcycling, Gardening & Composting Workshop In Mumbai


Upcycling, Gardening & Composting Workshop In Mumbai The Green School Program has been officially inaugurated with the two workshops conducted in Dargadevi Municipal School; and before considering our work as finished here, it’s time to get some feedback from the teachers, principal, and kids. As they said, students take care of the plants on daily basis, but […]

Composting & Organic Gardening Workshop At Pune


Composting & Organic Gardening Workshop At Pune India generates 3 millions truckloads of waste per day coming from over 500 cities each. Out of which 60% is biodegradable (veg waste, peels). The remaining 40% is non degradable (plastic, rubber). This can be segregated at the source level because, in the later stages, it’s nearly impossible to segregate […]

Entrepreneurship And Livelihood Generation Workshop, Pune


Entrepreneurship And Livelihood Generation Workshop, Pune Recycling waste material and making a livelihood out of it is the best way to put the recycled material to use. We have been hearing about recycling paper waste for a long time now. Having a business model that promotes recycling paper waste and helps solve financial problems for some could be beneficial […]