
Building A Sustainable Future: Insights From The Sustainability Career Launchpad Episode 3

The Sustainability Career Launchpad Episode 3

Earth5R’s founder and CEO, Saurabh Gupta discussed sustainability careers, ESG, sustainable development goals, and reporting standards during a sustainability employment launch pack session. The CEO is an environmentalist and former human resources director for a multinational company. India’s climate change action plan was the main topic. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions or put them in […]

Plantation Workshop For The Future Generation

Plantation Workshop For The Future Generation You’ll be shocked to know that on our planet, 1,600 plasctic bottles are consumed every second! You might have read about the negative effects of plastics and decided to reduce the amount of disposables you consume, and that’s a great direction to be heading in. But there’s another problem […]

Building A Greener Future: Earth5R App’s Engaging Challenges For Sustainable Living.

Earth5R App’s Engaging Challenges For Sustainable Living

In today’s world, where environmental issues are becoming increasingly critical, it has become crucial for individuals to play an active role in creating a sustainable future.  Earth5R, a revolutionary mobile application, has stepped forward to empower people with the knowledge and tools needed to make positive changes in their personal lives.  By offering a wide […]