
Environmental Education For Slum Residents In Pune

Environmental Education For Slum Residents In Pune

Not everybody has similar problems or comes from a similar background as we do. There are people who have been in circumstances we might not thoroughly understand. When we go out and talk to these people and try to educate them about the environmental problems, many of them do not see it as something they should […]

Environmental Education For Slum Community At Pune


Environmental Education For Slum Community At Pune Open burning of plastic waste is dangerous to people’s health and the health of the environment. Plastics such as PVC (polyvinylchloride) is common in such things as bottles, plastic packaging, and blister packs, etc. When these are burnt, carbon monoxide, dioxins and furans are released into the air. Whilst […]

Smart Parks, The Dutch Technologists Tackling Poaching With Technology


Environmental News from the USA:  You’ve heard of smartphones, smart cars, smart cities, and even smart refrigerators, but have you heard of Smart Parks? Smart Parks is a Netherlands-based team of technologists dreaming up inventive ways to realize the founders’ vision of bringing the power of modern technology to bear in conservation. “Big tech organizations […]