
Towards A Cleaner Gandhinagar: Clean-Up Drive By Earth5R


Towards A Cleaner Gandhinagar: Clean-Up Drive By Earth5R The city of Gandhinagar is well planned and well managed, but it still has a long way to go in waste management. With 0.4-0.8 kg of garbage produced per resident per day, a few places, although being very much close to residential areas became dumping sites directly affecting the […]

Coronavirus Outbreak And Sustainability


Coronavirus Outbreak And Sustainability Coronavirus outbreak could be the wake-up call World needs! The impact of the coronavirus outbreak, which has turned China’s vibrant cities into ghost towns overnight, is now being felt globally, with supply chains disrupted for everything from iPhones to automobiles. Already projected to have a more severe impact than the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, China is […]

Tree Plantation In Powai By Environmental Organisation Earth5R


Tree Plantation In Powai By Environmental Organisation Earth5R A tree plantation program in Powai was conducted by Mumbai based environmental organisation Earth5R. The occasion was due to volunteer Shashi Yadav’s birthday, who decided to celebrate by planting 50 trees. MUMBAI LOSING ITS GREEN COVER Mumbai lost 60% of its green cover in 40 years. According to […]