
Waste Segregation Activity At Surakshaa Fairview Apartments – Bangalore


Did you know that about an average of 60,000 tons of just tissue paper is generated from the urban sector of our city in a year? These can be recycled if disposed of properly but they eventually end up in landfills. According to the 2011 census, the population of Bangalore is estimated as 84 lakhs […]

Plastic Waste Management At Satara, India

Plastic Waste Management At Satara, India

Plastic Waste Management At Satara, India To improve the Plastic Waste Management at Satara, India, Earth5R, an Environmental Organization based in India launched a project to raise awareness of the issue of plastic waste, Earth5R has developed a project called, “KNOW YOUR PLASTICS”. This project serves the dual purpose of raising awareness among citizens and […]

The Polluted Water Of Androscoggin River


The Androscoggin River in the US produces 3.8 megawatts from power stations which support around 2,500 homes with electricity.  However, the vast amount of pollution present within the river, threatens the thousands of people living nearby. The river spans 178 miles long and traverses through Maine and New Hampshire. Throughout its course, it descends 1,245 feet and is an effective source […]