
Environmental Awareness And Social Entrepreneurship Program At Pune


Environmental Awareness And Social Entrepreneurship Program At Pune Sonam Sengar from Pune conducted Environmental Awareness and Social Entrepreneurship Program at Sutardara, Pune.  She spoke to the slum residents about common environmental issues that affect people on day to day basis. She discussed with them the ill effects of burning plastic and how minimizing the use […]

Recycling Workshop For School Children At Varanasi


Recycling Workshop For School Children At Varanasi In order to conserve a clean, beautiful earth to live in, it is crucial we teach students at a young age the importance of recycling and reusing. Students are quick to take in information at this learning age of their lives. They are highly creative and more than […]

Religious Waste Near Powai Lake – Why Does It Matter?


Religious Waste Near Powai Lake – Why Does It Matter? At each Powai Lake cleanup drive, the team discovers new sources of pollution. Last weekend, the team found an abundance of religious waste on the banks of the lake. Not to mention, a great amount of plastic was floating on top of the lake as […]